All news at TU Wien

Opening of Europe's most modern and Austria's largest sorting plant

[Translate to English:] Menschen bei der  bei der Eröffnung von Europas modernster und Österreichs größter Sortieranlage

© FAR TU Wien

Christoph Scharff and Helmut Rechberger represented us at the opening of Europe's most modern and Austria's largest sorting plant for recyclables in Ennshafen. TriPlast is owned by Bernegger, ARA and Der Grüne Punkt and has an annual capacity of 100,000 tons. Something like this costs EUR 65 million and creates a good 60 jobs. The plant sorts around 50% of all public waste paper into a good 20 different fractions on 2.5 km of conveyor belts, using 3 screening drums and 38 NIR devices.