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Graduation of the MSc Real Estate Investment & Valuation

On May 6th, 2021, the graduation of the 23rd class of the MSc Real Estate Investment & Valuation took place in the Kuppelsaal of the TU Wien.

[Translate to English:] Alumni vor der Feier

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[Translate to English:] Ansprache Lehrgangsleiter Ao.Univ.Prof. Arch. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Bob Martens

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[Translate to English:] Alumni nach der Feier

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[Translate to English:] Alumni vor der Feier

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[Translate to English:] Alumni nach der Feier

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[Translate to English:] Alumni nach der Feier

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Celebrating achieved milestones is particularly important in these very challenging times. The graduation was held in two rounds, so that each graduate could invite the closest family members to the celebration, although the capacities were very limited due to the strict safety and hygiene regulations. Other family members and friends were able to attend the ceremony via a live stream.

With musical accompaniment from the string quartet of the TU orchestra, the graduates moved into the Kuppelsaal. Ao.Univ.Prof. Arch. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Bob Martens, who hosted the ceremony, welcomed the guests and congratulated the graduates on their exceptional achievement.

As the keynote speaker at the first celebration, Mag. (FH) Stephan de Giacomo, MSc MRICS, spoke to the graduates and said that not so long ago he was also able to celebrate his graduation in this hall. He talked about the new professional paths that he has followed since then and that this master’s course not only provided him with knowledge, but also an excellent network. Dipl.-Ing. Harald Peham, lecturer of the master’s program and keynote speaker at the second celebration, reported on the enthusiasm of the students for the taught knowledge and the enriching exchange in the context of his lecture. Both speakers congratulated the alumni and wished them success on their future career path.

The alumni speakers Verena Brand, MSc MSc and Dr. Elisabeth Woschnagg, MSc looked back on her studies, told of the initial expectations, the network that was created and the professional opportunities that have already arisen.

In the main part of the graduation ceremony, the graduates received their graduation documents.

We congratulate the alumni of the MSc Real Estate Investment & Valuation:

Mag. Dr. Alexander Babinek, MBL MSc
Felix Bienert, BSc MBA MSc
Verena Brand, MSc MSc
Paulina Joven, BA MSc
Christian Kaspar, B.A. MSc
Stefanie Körbisser, MSc
Klaus Kuchling, MSc    
Christopher Pongratz, BSc MSc
Mag. Anna Porsch-Sutter, MSc
Dipl.-Jur. Kathrin Schelp, MSc
Manuel Simon, B.A. MSc
Anja Stany, MSc
Moritz Strachwitz, MSc
MMag. Dr. Christoph Tauber, MSc
Filippo Thun-Hohenstein, MSc
Dipl.-Ing. Wilfried Viernstein, MSc
Martina Weichenberger, BSc. MSc
Elisa Marie Wertgarner, BSc. MSc
Dipl.-Ing. Mario Witthalm, MSc
Dr. Elisabeth Woschnagg, MSc

We wish our graduates all the best on their further path!