All news at TU Wien

Successful completion of the research project "VESPA: rapid vulnerability analyses for practical application in cities"

Sunbrust Lienz

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Projekt VESPA Sunbrust Lienz

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Elias Pfeiffer und Stafanie Happ

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At the end of March 2024, the research project "VESPA: Vulnerability Rapid Analysis for Practical Application in Cities", conducted at the SRF in collaboration with the AIT (Austrian Institute of Technology) and the PlanSinn office as part of the Smart Cities Initiative of the Climate and Energy Fund on the topic of "Lighthouses for Resilient Cities 2040", was successfully completed. Within this project, a prototype for a web-based dashboard, opens an external URL in a new window was developed in close collaboration with Austrian partner cities, allowing cities to assess their individual vulnerability to expected risks and threats in the near future.

With the conclusion of the project, unfortunately, our colleagues Stephanie Happ and Elias Pfeiffer are leaving the SRF to pursue further professional opportunities. We thank both of them for their collegial, constructive, and successful collaboration!

You can find more information about projects at the SRF here, opens in new window.