All news at TU Wien

Successful Habilitation by Julia Derx!

Paul Blaschke, Dieter Gutknecht, Julia Derx, Günter Blöschl

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Titel der Habilitationsschrift

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Julia Derx Vortrag

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Congratulations to our steering committee member Julia Derx for successfully defending her thesis "Understanding the impact of global changes and management measures on the microbiological water quality and safety in river basins" for her habilitation in the area of Groundwater Management!

On May 2, Julia gave an impressive lecture which was visited by more than 40 people at TU Wien. Julia is research group leader at the Institute for Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Management since 2021 and has been providing her expertise in groundwater management and mathematical modelling to the ICC Water & Health for 18 years.

The ICC Water & Health thanks Julia for her extraordinary engagement and is looking forward to many more interdisciplinary projects and scientific activities!