All news at TU Wien

Stefan Portisch completes his doctorate

ASC congratulates him for finishing his doctoral studies in Technical Mathematics with distinction!

Group photo of Stefan Portisch celebrating with his work group

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Stefan PORTISCH studied mathematics at TU Wien and KTH Stockholm and completed his master's degree in Technical Mathematics at TU Wien. He then worked as a project assistant and project manager of the FWF doctoral school “Dissipation and Dispersion of nonlinear PDEs”. He successfully defended his dissertation on the analysis of nonlocal cross-diffusion and nonlinear drift-diffusion systems using entropy methods in October 2024.

Dr. Portisch investigated two diffusion systems: cross-diffusion systems for populations and drift-diffusion systems for memristors. The first model describes populations that can interact with each other over long distances and have a tendency to segregate. Dr. Portisch has shown new analytical and numerical results for these systems. The second model is used to describe special semiconductor devices, namely memristors, which can be interpreted as artificial synapses in the brain. Dr. Portisch succeeded in showing existence results for the physically important but mathematically demanding Fermi-Dirac statistics. A remarkable aspect of Dr. Portisch's dissertation was the intensive collaboration with colleagues from France. The dissertation was reviewed by Dr. Annegret GLITZKY (Berlin) and Clément CANCÈS (Lille).

Dr. Portisch's goal is to find a job in industry where he can demonstrate his scientific expertise and experience in project management. We wish him every success in his research!