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EOSC co-creation funding opportunities

Got an idea that will help co-create the EOSC? Have the chance for budget to be allocated for your activity!

EOSC Secretariat Funding Opportunities

Details for co-creation funding, applying and eligibility criteria see at the EOSC Secretariat website

The EOSC fosters open science and the digital transformation of science by providing a trusted and open virtual environment for the scientific community with seamless access to services addressing the whole research data life cycle. Focus is on user-orientation and inclusiveness across borders and disciplines, whilst the governance should be characterised by a minimal set of rules of participation.

Co-creation approach

The EOSC Secretariat supports stakeholder engagement by introducing a co-creation approach and a budget for its realisation. If you have an idea for activity, mini-project or studies to help co-create the EOSC and need funding you have the chance for budget to be allocated for your action. The Secretariat makes sure that the administrative effort for you is as small as possible.

What can be funded?

The proposed requests will have to clearly demonstrate activities which are related to the work of the EOSC Secretariat to support the EOSC Governance, in particular the activities of the Executive Board, opens an external URL in a new window Working Groups, the Governance Board, opens an external URL in a new window Sub Working Groups and the Stakeholder Forum, opens an external URL in a new window, e.g.

  • engaging with stakeholders/coordination (initiatives)
  • support services for the EOSC Boards
  • support services for the EOSC Executive Board Working Groups (Architecture, FAIR, Landscape, Rules of Participation, Sustainability)
  • analysis and studies to support EOSC in practice
  • communication, dissemination, stakeholder forum/events

Furthermore, the requests have to identify the added value to existing EOSC activities.

Who can apply?

Natural persons and legal entities residing in the Member States of the European Union (EU), including their outermost regions and the associated countries (AC). Please note that the applicants cannot receive support from other instruments (EU or national Research Infrastructure projects) for the proposed activities, and are not being funded from other sources for an identical activity.

Open calls

In order to respect the rules on funding set by the European Commission, EOSC Secretariat reserves the right of recurring to public tendering procurement, whose rules will strictly be complied to, for any initiatives that exceed the defined threshold. Therefore, some co-creation activities require an open call for bids. Please check the, opens an external URL in a new window website to see if currently an open call is out.

Application process

Find more details about co-creation processes and submit your application here, opens an external URL in a new window.


TU Wien is partner in the H2020 project, opens an external URL in a new window, delivering 360° support to the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Governance. Specifically, it addresses the need for the set-up of an operational framework supporting the overall Governance of the EOSC. contacts at TU Wien has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Programme call H2020-INFRAEOSC-05-2018-2019, Grant Agreement number 831644.