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Enlightening insights: Impulse lecture by Sibylla Zech in southern Burgenland

At the end of July 2023, our colleague Sibylla Zech gave a keynote speech on the topic "Trend and Perspectives in the Regional Development of Southern Burgenland", at the City Hall of Güssing in Burgenland.

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Auftakt der Veranstaltung mit Sibylla Zech.

Auf dem Bild ist Sibylla Zech zu sehen wie sie einen Vortrag hält.

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Vortrag Sibylla Zech.

Sibylla Zech bei ihrem Vortrag.

[Translate to English:] Auf dem Bild sind mehrere Personen von hinten, sitzen bei dem Vortag zu sehen.

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Vortrag von Sibylla Zech.

Auf dem Bild ist Josef Wallenberger zu sehen wie er eine Vortrag hält.

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Josef Wallenberger

Vortrag Josef Wallenberger.

In her presentation, Zech drew comparisons between Ländle (Austrian name for the region Vorarlberg) and Southern Burgenland and what reasons there are to stay in Burgenland. She also showed examples of lively villages and towns in the countryside, as well as new forms of housing and the KlimaKonkretPlan, which is a collection of heat adaptation measures for climate-friendly communities and towns.

Together with the lecture "Residential location Südburgenland - what succeeds better together" by Josef Wallenberger, expert in regional development and professional companion, it was shown which developments are coming to the South Burgenland in the future and why now is the right time to tackle the issue and it can only succeed together.

The presentation was part of the kick-off event for the project "(Residential) Location Marketing South Burgenland", where about 90 interested community representatives from 40 municipalities in South Burgenland were present to get information and to participate in the project. The project deals with the issue of sustainable "residential location development" which will become more and more present and important in the future - also for Southern Burgenland.

You can find more information about the project here:, opens an external URL in a new window

or on Facebook:, opens an external URL in a new window