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Energy and Spatial Planning at the Lange Nacht der Forschung (Long Night of Research)

Board of the energy game "100 % renewable energies for KEM Energy to the power of 3 - Go 4 it!"

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The results of the game are dynamically displayed on a screen in real time.

© Hartmut Dumke

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A result of the energy game. You can see pins and squares of different sizes and colors on a map.

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Interested people, including some children, bend over the board of the energy game.

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This year we once again hosted a well attended booth at the Lange Nacht der Forschung (long night of research) on May 20th. Hartmut Dumke (Institute of Spatial Planning, Research Unit of Regional Planning and Regional Development) and Stefan Geier (BOKU, IRUB) have further developed the " Spatial Game", this time focusing on the KEM "e³" near Bruck an der Leitha (and two neighboring municipalities) in Lower Austria as the " playing field". The task for the visitors was to create a share of 100% renewable energies - with a swarm of area yield potentials to be located to scale. We were continuously visited from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m., and the players, ranging in age from 5 to 85, developed very diverse "swarm solutions". Base benchmarks of energy needs were model values from Energy Mosaic, opens an external URL in a new window, which has since been updated with 2019 data. All in all, a full research night success - that's how science education has to be 8-).