All news at TU Wien

Program start of 23nd cohort of our Real Estate Course

On November 10, 2020, the Online Welcome Reception for our 23nd cohort of the university course Real Estate Management took place.

Academic Director Prof. Bob Martens at the Online Welcome Reception

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 Online Welcome Reception 10.11.2020

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At the beginning of the reception, the 22 motivated participants received a compact introduction to the digital systems of TU.

Academic Director  Prof. Martens welcomed the ladies and gentlemen and made the personal introductory round of all candidates quite humorous. The participants also received a short introduction to ImmoABS, opens an external URL in a new window, the Alumni association of real estate courses at TU Wien. After the official part was over, the students met in a private online-room, to get to know each other a little bit better and to learn more about their future class-mates.

We wish the new participants a successful start!

Real Estate Management , opens an external URL in a new window(German)