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Eventually arrived: The magnet system of PERC was completed and delivered to the MLZ

Its dimensions are impressively large, the particles under investigation with its help however microscopically small. The 12 m long magnet system of PERC for high-precision studies of the neutron beta decay was delivered in September to the FRM II research reactor – now this event was presented in a slide show and a video.

The magnet system for PERC

© Atominstitut

The Research Group Neutron and Quantum Physics, opens in new window has been considerably involved in the design , opens an external URL in a new windowof this superconducting magnet system.


An 8 m long solenoid, generating a magnetic field with a typical strength of 1,5 T, serves as decay volume for a high-flux neutron beam where a decay rate of 1 million neutrons per metre flight path per second is expected. After the neutron decay electrons and protons are emitted, which follow the magnetic field lines throughout the instrument. A special magnetic field configuration downstream of the decay volume allows us to cleanly separate these charged particles from the neutron beam. In addition, the generated magnetic field of the order of 3 to 6 T acts as a variable filter for the charged particles which allows us to increase the precision of the associated measurements significantly.


The delivery of the magnet system was initially illustrated in a newsletter , opens an external URL in a new windowof the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum.


The current photo album, opens an external URL in a new window has now been published in the section MLZ News & Press – From Behind The Sciences.


At the same time, the short video clip „Giant magnet for tiny particles“, opens an external URL in a new window was uploaded to YouTube.