All news at TU Wien

Invitation: ACCP Special Report "Structures for a climate-friendly life" Travelling exhibition and finissage

The APCC-SR "Climate-friendly living" travelling exhibition is coming to TU Wien as part of the Austrian Climate Day (2 - 4 April 2024). To make the travelling exhibition accessible to a wider audience for a little longer, the 22 roll-ups will be set up again in the foyer on the 1st floor of the main building from 11 - 17 April 2024.

[Translate to English:] Auf dem Bild ist eine Einladung zu Special Report zu sehnen.

© Maria Stepan und APCC Special Report.

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Invitation APCC Special Report.

Invitation to the travelling exhibition and finissage of the Apcc Special Report.

On the invitation is written on a turquoise background "Exhibition + Finissage", "09.-17.04.24". In the centre is a picture of the book cover, below which is written "Travelling exhibition: APCC SPECIAL Report. Structures for a climate-friendly life. Finissage + talks: 17.4.2024 - 5 pm". In the centre is a text "The APCC Special Report "Structures for a climate-friendly life" is dedicated to the question of how all areas of life can be transformed in order to achieve the climate goals". At the bottom is the logo of the Vienna University of Technology, a large TU Wien in a square with rounded corners. At the bottom left is the inscription "Foyer on the 1st floor of the main building".

© Maria Stepan und APCC Special Report.

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Invitation APCC Special Report.

Invitation to the travelling exhibition and finissage of the Apcc Special Report.

The APCC Special Report "Structures for a climate-friendly life" is dedicated to the question of how all areas of life can be transformed in order to achieve the climate goals.The report shows that structures are needed for a climate-friendly life and that the prevailing call for individuals to change their behaviour shifts this problem to the individual and is not sufficient. The report therefore focuses on the joint design of structures.

Finissage and talks - Save the Date!
The finissage and talks on climate-friendly living will take place on 17 April at 5 pm in the foyer on the 1st floor of the main building.

We look forward to seeing you there,
Nina Svanda, Sibylla Zech and the TU Wien APCC-SR authors


Further information on the travelling exhibition:, opens an external URL in a new window

Link to the report:, opens an external URL in a new window