All news at TU Wien

Dual Recording - The Enhanced System

To improve the quality of recordings, the Department of Teaching and Learning Technologies introduced the so-called "Dual Recording" in the first lecture halls at the beginning of the winter semester 2023, and has since expanded the rollout to the first 20 lecture halls. This innovation promises significant progress in the quality of LectureTube recordings.


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Instead of combining the camera recording and the input stream (e.g., presentation slides or notes from the speakers) into one video, they are now recorded separately in high resolution. This has the advantage that, when playing back the lectures in the player later, both streams are available in their original quality. Students can then decide as needed which image they want to see in a larger view, be it the camera recording or the input stream, and have the option to hide individual streams completely. Speakers can already select in advance via TISS which of the two inputs should be recorded, or hide individual streams afterwards when editing the video using the LectureTube Editor.

Thanks to Dual Recording, students benefit from a more flexible and improved experience when watching the recording.

The usage remains almost unchanged for teachers. Recordings can be set up as usual via the LVA administration in TISS under the "E-Learning" tab in "LectureTube". When planning recordings for Dual Recording lecture halls, they have the option to select only the camera or only the projector image, or both at the same time for recording. This can be adjusted in the "Status" column accordingly.

The live stream is still started and ended via the touch panel. A significant innovation is that the choice of layout has been reduced to the following two options:

  • Split (previously known as "Splitscreen") shows the image of the lecture hall camera to the right or left of the projector image.
  • Full shows either just the camera image or just the projector image.

In Dual Recording lecture halls, changing the layout only affects the live stream and not the recording.

Rollout to Additional Lecture Halls

In the next phase, it is planned to extend Dual Recording to additional lecture halls. In February, an additional 12 lecture halls were successfully equipped with Dual Recording. You can find our guides with detailed steps and pictures to our services in the LectureTube Knowledge Base., opens an external URL in a new window If you have any questions, we are happy to assist you at