All news at TU Wien

Third Move.Walk in the current winter term!

This time we travelled into the depths...

photo Move.Walk 3 - participants at the construction site

© Florian Pühringer

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photo Move.Walk 3 - participants at the construction site

Move.Walk 3 - group photograph

© Florian Pühringer

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Move.Walk 3 - group photograph

photo Move.Walk 3 - U2 construction site Pilgramgrasse

© Florian Pühringer

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photo Move.Walk 3 - U2 construction site Pilgramgrasse

photo Move.Walk 3 - view of the construction site from the public space

© Florian Pühringer

1 of 4 images or videos

photo Move.Walk 3 - view of the construction site from the public space

About the Move.Walks course

The Move.Walks course is taking place again this semester. Spatial and transport planners change public space through their work. This is why well-founded assessments are important as a basis for planning. They are part of the everyday work of planners. The Move.Walks course gives students the option of experiencing what they have learnt (the theory) in a physical space. The combination of specialist (external) input and walks leads to a varied programme in the heart of the city - happily outside the university buildings!

The third Move.Walk

As part of the third Move.Walk, we had the opportunity to visit the Pilgramgrasse U2 construction site. Experts from Wiener Linienshowed us the current construction progress and gave us interesting insights into the construction process. One focus was also on the construction site environment and the effects of the construction site on the public space - also in terms of transformation potential.

We would like to thank Wiener Linien for the exciting guided tour!