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Scholarships General Management MBA - Congratulations to the winners!

Five high potentials receive women's scholarships and emerging markets scholarships for the General Management MBA of the TU Wien and the Danube University Krems.

General Management MBA Drittelstipendien

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Once again this year, women's scholarships and emerging markets scholarships for the General Management MBA of the TU Wien and the Danube University Krems were awarded to young high potentials. Teresa Christl, Julia Hasser, Viktoria Illyés, Ivan Masiuk and Bogdan Moldovan convinced the jury of their motivation for the MBA program at the hearing on July 23, 2020. 

The prospective MBA students are looking forward to acquiring additional economic and management skills. The General Management MBA is an ideal kick-off for their further career steps. We are looking forward to welcoming the five scholarship holders on October 30th at the start of the course at the TU Wien.

Congratulations to the winners of the scholarships and good luck with your MBA studies!

Online Info-Session August 25, 2020

Find out more about the General Management MBA program in our next online info session with the academic director and program management on Tuesday, August 25 from 6 pm. Please send your registration to gm-mba(at)

Information about the MBA program

All information about the General Management MBA of the TU Vienna and Danube University Krems can be found at Applications for the MBA program are possible until August 31, 2020.