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Digitalisation of the tendering workflow

The workflow for the approval and publication of a vacant position could now be digitized.

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Surely many of you have already more or less come into contact with the tendering workflow. This requires approvals in several hierarchical levels, begins budget-wise with finances, continues through the personnel department and ends in the newsletter or with the tender in
corresponding media. Many forms had to be filled out, printed out, signed and scanned in again in order to be able to
to be printed out again, signed and scanned again to finally be published in digital form.

With the digitalization of the tendering workflow we have completed another step in the digitization of the application process and were able to make it much easier and more transparent.

  • The tendering process is started by the release in the personnel planning tool. The details of the personnel planning (PPNR) are transferred via interface from TISS.
  • Based on this planning data, the direct superior fills out the tender application, the functional description, the tender text online in TISS or delegates this task to an employee.
  • The release process passes through all necessary instances (immediate superior, working group for equal treatment issues, dean/vice-rector, personnel administration, and application management department) is carried out in TISS.
  • The status of the advertisement can be easily viewed at any time.
  • The transfer to the FB Application Management is also carried out via interface to the eRecruiter, so that the publication and the related application management is a well-rounded matter.

If you are also involved in the tendering process or are interested in a presentation, please contact
Carmen Keck and Rainer Grohmann-Izay
Contact: Carmen Keck
Assistant to the Vice Rector for Personnel & Gender
Head of department application management
Contact: Rainer Grohmann-Izay
Client Manager FB Campus Software Development