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Issue "The Public Sector 2/2021 - Climate Change Adaptation and Climate Resilience in Spatial Planning"

Cover of the Publication The Public Sector

The new issue of the journal "Der Öffentlichen Sektor/The Public Sector" 2/2021 was recently published with the focus on "Climate Change Adaptation and Climate Resilience in Spatial Planning".

The current issue was compiled under the guest editorship of Arthur Schindelegger and Florian Reinwald. The authors of the diverse contributions deal with the integration of climate change adaptation into spatial planning, related challenges and transformation in urban areas and various other aspects.

The Research Unit of Land Policy and Land Management is represented with the leading article "Climate Proofing" - A Framework for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation into Spatial Planning, opens an external URL in a new window by Arthur Schindelegger, Roswitha Weichselbaumer, Doris Damyanovich and Florian Reinwald.

The entire issue is freely accessible and available at Oes - reposiTUm, opens an external URL in a new window.