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EU Commission funded Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral project started

Congratulations to Dr. Junjie Shi for receiving a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship funded by the European Commission entitled “Operando studies of praseodymium based mixed oxide supported metal catalysts for the direct conversion of methane to methanol (DCMM)”. Welcome at the IMC!

Junjie Shi and Günther Rupprechter
Illustration of the Project

The aim of Dr. Shi's project, hosted by Prof. Rupprechter, is to develop novel mixed-oxide based catalysts for the direct conversion of methane to methanol at mild ambient conditions. By combining flow reactor studies with state-of-the-art operando spectroscopy (NAP-XPS, XAS, FTIR, Raman, XRD) and DFT calculations, this work will provide an in-depth understanding of how active sites react under realistic catalysis conditions. Being innovative work at the intersection of surface science and applied catalysis, it will provide validated experimental conclusions for the future design and optimization of nanostructured DCMM catalysts.