All news at TU Wien

.dcall Lehre - Call for Digitalisation Projects for Innovative Teaching Concepts

Your ideas and experiences with distance learning can be a valuable source for project ideas. Until May 25 projects can still be submitted.

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The daily routine has changed tremendously for lecturers over the last weeks. Adapting lectures from attendance teaching to distance learning is neither easy nor is it a given. Lectures were able to gain quite a bit of experience on what works fine and where there is some room for improvement.

Even before Corona happened to become a hot topic – at the .digital update in November – two digitalization calls were announced for this year. The first one, for projects coming from the focus groups, is already in full swing. The second digitalization call has just started and puts its focus on teaching at TU Wien. This is the call has just started.

.dcall Lehre 2020 – Participate now and submit projects

A specific focus of the digitalization strategy of TU Wien lies on teaching and learning at the University which will be developed further through the interaction of lecturers, students and the involved service units. Furthermore, the summer semester 2020 confronts TU Wien and especially its lecturers with tremendous challenges, which may as well prompt to further develop existing teaching and learning concepts or new ideas for innovative teaching and learning concepts. It may be the current semester where lecturers may find interesting starting points for developing new concepts.

Your innovative ideas contribute to shape teaching at TU Wien in an even more attractive way. The Rectorate will support a maximum of 10 projects with a maximum of € 30.000 each for the digital transformation in teaching. If you have always wanted to try out creative teaching ideas, if you have already thought about innovative concepts or even developed them due to the current circumstances and are now looking for a possibility to actually implement them – this is the best time for it! Detailed information on the call and the requirements for submitting projects can be found at the TU coLAB for .dcall Lehre 2020, opens an external URL in a new window.

Further Information