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"Together more horizon" Region South Burgenland

The mission statement for the region Südburgenland was created on the basis of the challenges in the region and provides the framework conditions for the next ten years. Our colleague Thomas Dillinger, who accompanied the creation process, was present at the presentation of the mission statement on May 23, 2023 at Kastell Stegersbach.

Auf dem Foto sind die Personen aus dem Beschreibungstext zu sehen, sie halten das Entwicklungsprogramm in den Händen.


Landesrat Heinrich Dorner mit den Mitgliedern der Projektsteuerungsgruppe: Bürgermeister Vinzenz Knor (Güssing), Thomas Dillinger von der TU Wien, 2. Landtagspräsident Walter Temmel, Bürgermeister Fabio Halb (Mühlgraben), Bürgermeisterin Renate Habetler (Bernstein), Bürgermeister Jürgen Dolesch (Stegersbach), Landesrat Heinrich Dorner, Peter Zinggl, Bürgermeister Franz Kazinota (Neustift bei Güssing), Margit Nöhrer, Geschäftsführerin Südburgenland Plus und Südburgenland-Manager Werner Unger.

For the first time in 2022, the province of Burgenland has commissioned "Regional Development Programs" in accordance with the Burgenland Spatial Planning Act. In these programs, measures and goals are defined that show the development framework of the individual regions. The program was developed in cooperation between our research department and the newly established department for "supra-regional spatial planning" of the Burgenland regional government. The Research Department assisted in the division of the four regions and provided scientific support throughout the entire process. The mission statement for the region „North 1“: Lake Neusiedl - Parndorfer Platte , opens an external URL in a new windowwas published in August last year.

The central component in the creation of the regional development program was the involvement of the population by means of online surveys. The results from the surveys were incorporated into the creation of the guiding principles.  From this, guiding objectives were developed that relate to topics such as settlement development "practicing conscious land management", "driving together - rethinking mobility", "living with climate change" or growth and innovation "sustainable, joint business locations".


More about the Regional Development Program:
Under the following link you will find the mission statement  "Region Südburgenland", opens an external URL in a new window, opens an external URL in a new window, opens an external URL in a new window, opens an external URL in a new window