All news at TU Wien

Current Trends in Computer Science

Also this semester, outstanding professors visit the Faculty of Informatics and give lectures on their research fields in computer science.

The lecture series "Current Trends in Computer Science", organized by the <link http: teaching phdschool _blank link_intern>Vienna PhD School of Informatics, covers a wide range of topics, such as computer aided patient data management systems for hospitals, current developments of data bases, and how to develop applications for the cloud successfully.

The first talk by <link http: aktuelles _blank>Peter Scheuermann (Northwestern University) on April 30, 2014 deals with intrusion detection for mobile devices. Although portable computers require explicit authentication, theft of confidential data by unauthorized users is one of the key computer crimes, which causes great financial losses. Peter Scheuermann discusses different intrusion detection techniques, one based on a reference user model, and two others based on statistical methods.

Furthermore, the lecture series includes talks by <link http: aktuelles _blank>Andrea Schaerf (University of Udine), <link http: aktuelles _blank>Arthur Zimek (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich), <link http: aktuelles _blank>Davide Raimondo (University of Pavia), and <link http: aktuelles _blank>Frank Leymann (University of Stuttgart).

The lecture series is open for the interested public. The course can be credited for master students as an elective course under all master programs in computer science.

For detailed information about each talk, please, follow the links given below.

Foto: © Fakultät für Informatik, TU Wien