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CSTAT at the annual conference of the Austrian Statistical Society

Jeremy Oguamalam received the prize for his master's thesis in the “applied statistics” category.

The annual conference of the Austrian Statistical Society (Österreichische Statistische Gesellschaft) took place on the premises of Statistik Austria from October 4th to 6th, 2023. In addition to exciting talks from the academic, ministerial, and applied areas, the best master's and diploma theses as well as dissertations from the field of statistics were honored as part of the “ÖSG-Statistiktage 2023”. Along with four other winners, Jeremy Oguamalam received the prize for his master's thesis in the “applied statistics” category. The title of his work is “Dimension Reduction for Compositional Data with Weights based on Graph Theory”. Compositional Data or just compositions are multivariate vectors with relative values, a setting in which standard Euclidean geometry can no longer be applied. In connection with graph theory, Oguamalam, under the supervision of Univ.-Prof. Peter Filzmoser and Dr. Christopher Rieser, was able to develop a methodology that finds important connections between the variables and displays these relationships graphically for an intuitive understanding.

The next conference of the Austrian Statistical Society will be jointly organized with the Czech Statistical Society, and it will take place at TU Wien from April 3-5, 2024.