All news at TU Wien

Coronavirus – Update: How to for winter semester 21/22 for employess

Vaccination and testing services, access and campus measures.

Coronavirus-Update 06.09.2021

In order to make your start into the coming winter semester at the workplace safe and practicable, the TU Wien offers vaccination and testing opportunities. Thus, there are regulations and rules of conduct that you must always observe from 15 September 2021 in your own interest and in the interest of the entire TU Wien community:

3-G proof

When entering a TU building, employees must present proof of a low epidemiological risk to the security service.

  • Vaccinated: Proof of vaccination (complete immunisation) with an EU-approved vaccine against COVID-19 is required.
    Here is also our urgent appeal to get vaccinated! The TU Wien and the City of Vienna are therefore organising a vaccination point for you at the TUW campus Karlsplatzfrom Monday 6 September onwards.
  • Tested: Vienna has different testing offers (entry tests: PCR self-tests, gargle boxes, test lanes, pharmacies). The TU Wien provides PCR gargle tests for its members if required. You can obtain a maximum of 3 test kits per week from the safety boxes at the TU locations by presenting your employee ID and entering your name on the list. Participants of "alles gurgelt!" hand in their test, which was carried out with an identity check, at the participating REWE shops. If this is done before 9 a.m., you will usually receive the result by the next morning. In Vienna, please note the shortened validity period of 48 hours for this test result! (Note: For spontaneous testing on site, the test offer of the pharmacies in the vicinity of the TU, e.g. Paulanerapotheke, Wiedner Hauptstraße 18: Mon - Fri 08:00 - 14:00, Apotheke zum Hl. Geist, Operngasse 16).
  • Recovered: Proof is the medical confirmation of a SARS-CoV-2 infection recovered from in the last 180 days (confirmed by molecular biology), proof of neutralising antibodies (not older than 90 days) or your certificate of segregation.

Access controls: fast lane with proof via TISS upload

You have the option of uploading your vaccination, test or convalescence certificate to TISS in advance and in accordance with data protection regulations. This ensures simple and time-saving access control at the entrances ("fast lane"). We therefore recommend that you make use of this option. The security service will check the validity of your 3-G credential on your smartphone on site with the help of a specially developed TISS feature: Details about the function and structure can be found on the website, which is constantly updated. The upload of 3G-Proof will be availabled from Monday, 13th September 2021.

Of course, you can still show the 3-G proof electronically (e.g. "Grüner Pass" app of BRZ GmbH on your smartphone) or on paper together with your proof of identity at the access control in a separate lane. Please note that this check is more time-consuming and take this into account in your time/schedule planning.

Persons who do not provide 3-G proof will not be admitted!

On campus

  • Mask: In public areas at TU Wien (corridors, courtyards, etc.) it is strongly recommended to wear a mask (Mouth-Nose-Protection (MNS) or FFP2).
  • QR code scan & contact person management: Continued mandatory QR code registration when entering TUW buildings! If you invite external guests to meetings at the TUW, please inform them about the access control incl. 3-G proof and make sure that their access must be registered by you in advance in TISS under "Organisation/Guest Access" (TUW login required).
  • Reporting your suspected case of infection: Employees are obliged to inform the university via the online form: (login required).
  • Safety distance: Please keep your distance from other persons
  • Hygiene: Please continue to wash and disinfect your hands regularly.

Hope for the best - plan for the worst: legal foundations

The measures that the TU Wien is taking within the framework of its autonomy to maintain the very high level of protection and with the help of which it would like to once again offer the most active, social university life possible on campus, find their legitimation in the Basic Data Protection Regulation, in the 2nd COVID-19 Higher Education Act and the 6th Rectorate Regulation derived from it on measures for participation in attendance lectures and examinations in the winter semester 2021/22.