All news at TU Wien

Start Summer Semester 2022

Current information on the start of the 2022 summer semester: attendance teaching, covid-19 regulations and events.

[Translate to English:] TUW-Hauptgebäude mit Text: Covid-Update 24.02.2022

TU Wien is planning the Summer Semester 2022 as an attendance semester. This means to fully utilise the lecture hall capacities, but also to be prepared for a short-term change to online formats, if the epidemiological situation requires it. Together we will implement a largely normalised university operation with a high level of protection.In order for this to succeed, it is essential that the the following be observed:

2.5 G at TUW

  • The 2.5 G regulation is valid until further notice.
  • Therefore, random 2.5 G access checks will continue to be carried out at the entrances to TUW buildings.
  • Contact person management and QR code scan: Employees and students are still obliged to carry out QR code registration on campus, at the workplace or in the lecture hall.
  • The obligatory reporting of COVID-19 suspicions/illnesses among employees or students remains in place.
  • We recommend that TU employees returning to their place of work or study at the TUW from business trips or holidays take a PCR test to be on the safe side.
  • The TU Wien still provides gargle test kits at the security lodges.

FFP2 masks + distance + hygiene

  • In public areas at the TU Wien (corridors, courtyards, assembly hall, lift, waiting areas, communication zones, etc.) the wearing of an FFP2 mask is mandatory until further notice. Likewise during lectures or exams in the lecture hall/teaching room/lab.
  • Safety distance: Please keep your distance from other people.
  • As always, remember hygiene measures such as hand washing, surface disinfection and sneeze/cough etiquette.

Study and teaching

  • The concept of semester lecture halls (marked in TISS) will be retained.
  • Requests to hold a face-to-face lecture will be dropped.
  • Lecture hall occupancy is planned at 100%.
  • Important for courses and examinations in presence: Students AND teachers must also register in the lecture hall with the QR code and also enter the seat number (teachers enter the seat number 0). This facilitates and speeds up contact tracing and notification of affected groups of people. Technical note: All lecture room seats have been numbered consecutively and the colour coding has been removed. Seminar room seats are not numbered due to flexible seating. From 1 March 2022, TISS will no longer ask for the colour when entering seats.


The upper person limit for events has been lifted and FFP2 masks are compulsory in closed rooms. Internal and external events (e.g. academic celebrations, conferences, concerts, etc.) can be coordinated and held in cooperation with the GUT event service taking into account applicable Corona rules in Vienna, opens an external URL in a new window.

The Rectorate plans to evaluate the described TUW measures in mid-March.