All news at TU Wien

Coronavirus - Update: Room booking and access for Distance Learning

On 31 March 2020, the Ministry of Science published a letter in which the closure of the universities is extended until at least 30 April 2020, which means that suburban operations must be further reduced to a minimum.

COVID-19 Udapte 3.4.2020

he security measures for the protection of all employees and students will remain in place. Among other things, distance learning at the TU Wien has been extended until the end of the summer semester 2020, where possible. For this purpose, a concept was developed which includes a new booking process for rooms including the corresponding access authorizations and again makes it possible to offer a timetable view for the current semester.

Room resources

In order to implement distance learning, teachers need rooms to record or stream their courses if this is not possible from home. This could be a lecture hall or seminar room with appropriate technical equipment or their own office. Based on a relaxation of the protective measures towards the end of the semester, it is also necessary to plan in advance the rooms for all examinations and courses that require attendance.

In order to make the necessary room resources available, the following measures are necessary:

TISS is used again as a booking system.

This allows an insight into the real room allocation plan for the teaching rooms. To make this possible the room reservation plan will be emptied and rebuilt with new, current bookings. The following deadlines were set:

  • The currently booked course and group dates will be set to "rejected" as of the key date 08.04.2020 and thus lose their room allocation . A blanket rejection of these dates has the purpose of emptying the room reservation plan to reflect the actual status of the room bookings.
  • Check dates that are booked up to 30.04.2020 are also set to "rejected". Room bookings for test dates planned for later are kept for the time being.
  • General (gray) reservations are retained, since these often involve maintenance work and the like and are still being carried out.
  • All registrations made until this date via the application form at Distance Learning Team will be imported into TISS as course dates, so that they are visible again in the timetable view in TISS.
  • This way the actual status of course room bookings is visible in TISS and the TISS system can be used as a booking platform for course dates again.

Possible booking scenarios and corresponding access authorizations

  • Recording of LVAs in lecture halls via LectureTube: Requires room reservation, but no visibility in the timetable, as it can be accessed independently of time. Booking for Lecture Tube at,at necessary.
  • Recording of LVAs in other rooms of the TU Wien: Requires access authorisation, but no visibility in the timetable, as it can be accessed independently of time
  • Streaming of LVAs from lecture halls via LectureTubeLive (not recommended and without support since 23.3.2020): Requires room reservation and visibility in the timetable, as it is time bound
  • Streaming from other rooms of the TU Wien: Requires access permission and visibility in the timetable, because of time constraints

Alternatively, recordings and livestreams or other online offers are also possible from premises outside the TU Wien. These are now also centrally recorded in TISS via the LVA dates and must also be entered to guarantee the studyability:

  • Recording of LVAs in rooms outside of the TU Wien: Does not need to be visible in the timetable, as it can be accessed independently of time
  • Streaming from rooms outside the TU Wien: Requires visibility in the timetable, as it is time-dependent

Admission to the offices of the TU Wien

Access to TUW buildings is only possible for nominated key persons and absolutely necessary system maintenance work. For access authorization to conduct distance learning from the office, a virtual building with the room "Office Space" was created in TISS.

Meanings of a room reservation in TISS

  • The lecture hall is requested for the time slot
  • The access authorization is requested
  • The cleaning due to the disinfection obligation is requested (Please note that the cleaning requires a time window of at least 30 minutes between the individual bookings)

Meaning of a room confirmation in TISS

  • The lecture hall is free and can be used at the given time
  • The access authorization has been granted and the security service is informed
  • The cleaning, due to the obligation to disinfect before and after each access, is coordinated accordingly

Non-overlapping timetable

In order to ensure the studyability despite the current situation and the resulting changes, the timetable must be kept free of overlaps. The following measures are implemented to enable the Central Teaching and Learning Resource Management (ZLLRM), the timetable coordinators and the teachers to check this:

  • The timetable view is retained, since the appointments that are relevant to the timetable are booked as FVO appointments. In order to make streaming appointments from the office or from home visible in the timetable, it is sufficient to create an appointment via the FVO administration with the info "streaming", without the corresponding room reservation.
  • The timetables are generated from the reservations made. Thus there is still a possibility to check if there is no overlap. The guarantee of the study ability is restored.
  • The ability to study is thus restored.

In order to be able to display all time-bound courses in the timetable, it is absolutely necessary to register in TISS - regardless of whether they are held within the TU Wien or in the living room.

If you have any open questions, please contact

With kind regards,
Kurt Matyas and the Distance Learning Team