All news at TU Wien

Reduction measures Summer Semester 2022

As of 14 March, the corona protection measures at TU Vienna will be adjusted.

[Translate to English:] TUW-Hauptgebäude im Hintergrund. Im Vordergrund ein Text: Covid-Update: 10.03.2022

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In consideration of the scaling back of the generally applicable corona protection measures, we are adjusting the measures at the TU Wien as follows as of Monday, 14 March 2022:

Access and presence on campus

  • The controls of the 2.5 G access regulation and the measures of our contact person management, i.e. QR code scan and compulsory reporting of cases of infection among students and staff, will be suspended for an interim period.

FFP2 mask

  • In public areas at the TU Wien, the FFP2 mask obligation is no longer applicable.
  • During lectures or examinations in the lecture hall/teaching room/lab, the wearing of an FFP2 mask is still obligatory for students and examination invigilators. As before, lecturers can remove the mask when lecturing.
  • During meetings, if no safety distance can be maintained and/or a team member or colleague wishes to wear FFP2 masks, consideration must be shown and an FFP2 mask must be worn.


Here, too, the FFP2 mask obligation applies in closed rooms until further notice. Internal and external events can be planned and held as before in cooperation with the GUT Service Unit of Event Services. 

It is still necessary to keep a safety distance from other people and to remember hygiene when in presence at the TU Wien.