All news at TU Wien

Coronavirus – Update: Everyday life at TUW

Corona protection measures at TU Wien for students and employees as of July 1, 2021.

[Translate to English:] TUW-Hauptgebäude im Hintergrund. Text im Vordergrund: Covid19-Update: 30.06.2021

The COVID19 opening regulation of the Ministry of Health, effective as of 1 July 2021, includes relaxations of corona protection measures in private and professional everyday life. For your presence at your place of work and study at TU Wien, we would like to remind or specify the following measures and rules of conduct:

Employees: Home Office Policy

Please do not forget that for tax deductibility in connection with your home office activity, the agreement (incl. documentation) with your immediate superior (UV) applies. Details on home office and FAQ can be found at, opens an external URL in a new window (TUW login required).

We can all contribute to maintaining the high level of protection at TU Wien. Thank you for continuing to contribute!