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Coronavirus – Update: Examination at TU Wien / Extended admission period until 30.06.2020

Current information on online and presence examinations, the grace period for the summer semester 2020 is extended to 30 June.

COVID-19 Update 24.04.2020

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Online Exams at the TUW

In the last few weeks, a guideline for conducting online exams at the TUW has been developed. You can find it at, opens an external URL in a new window.

In this guide, the requirements and recommendations as well as different formats of online testing are presented. The ministry's decree that came into force on Wednesday,  April 22 has already been taken into account here. Thus, there is a TUW-wide regulation for online examinations.

The already existing online exams will now be extended step by step. Online exam dates will be announced via TISS, just as before. Teachers are requested to hold special online exams with up to 20 persons, as we cannot guarantee the capacity for attendance exams.

Presence examinations at the TUW

We would also like to inform you about the current "timetable" for the gradual opening of the lecture halls for attendance examinations. Should the government's guidelines remain unchanged, the following procedure is planned:

On May 4, the already existing examination dates planned in attendance form will be removed from the TISS, as they cannot take place in this form due to the necessary security measures. The examination dates will be rescheduled either in online format or as attendance examinations. For these a new registration is necessary. As of May 10th, the new dates for presence examinations, which will take place from June, will be booked.

  1. From June 02, 2020 the first attendance examinations at the TU will be possible again.
  2. Special consideration will be given to STEOP courses and compulsory courses in the Bachelor's degree in the planning stage. The first attendance examinations will be booked into TISS by 20 May.
  3. All examination dates of courses which have not been classified as critical will be entered in TISS after May 21, 2020. 

There will be a separate mailing with information about the exact procedure for access, allocation and allocation of seats in the lecture halls and the exact security measures regarding attendance examinations.

Extension of the grace period for the summer semester 2020 until 30 June 2020

In the COVID-19 University and College Ordinance, opens an external URL in a new window published on 22 April 2020, it was laid down, among other things, that in deviation from §§ 61 ff. UG, the grace period for the summer semester 2020 will not end until June 30, 2020.

This means that on the one hand, you still have until 30 June to possibly complete your Bachelor's degree in the course of the offered examination dates and change to the Master's degree without losing a semester, and on the other hand, you also have until the end of June to continue your studies.

Despite the current situation, we are making every effort to organise online teaching as well as possible. Thank you for your understanding. We are working hard to find good solutions for you and will inform you as soon as new information is available.

Best regards,
Kurt Matyas and the Distance Learning Team