All news at TU Wien

Coronavirus – Update: Examination at TU Wien

Important information on conducting exams at TU Wien.

Coronavirus – Update: 18.05.2020

In recent weeks, a guideline has been developed for the performance of presence examinations in compliance with the necessary security measures at the TUW. You can find it at, opens an external URL in a new window
In this guide, you will find important specifications and recommendations that should or must be observed when conducting presence examinations.

We urgently request that examinations for which a number of participants of up to 20 persons is expected be held online, as we cannot guarantee the capacity to conduct these examinations as presence examinations.

Presence examinations are possible again from 02 June 2020 under severe restrictions.

As soon as the timetable coordinators (SPK) have completed their planning, all those responsible for courses can organize their examinations themselves, taking into account the security measures (deadline 21 May 2020).
A new room information page has been created in coLAB where you can find the new examination capacities including seating plan.

Infosession and Q&A: Attendance Examinations at TU Wien

At this point we would like to draw your attention to the "Infosession and Q&A: Attendance Examinations at TU Wien" on Tuesday, 19 May, 17:00-18:00. There will be a short presentation of the guide to presence examinations (approx. 10 minutes) and afterwards you can ask questions on the topic.

Location: via Zoom (ID: 689-079-407)
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Link für Browser:, opens an external URL in a new window  

Thank you for your support in overcoming the situation!

Kurt Matyas, Vice Rector Academic Affairs