All news at TU Wien

Coronavirus – Update: Examination at TU Wien

Current information on guidelines for online and timetables for presence checks

COVID-19 Update 24.04.2020

Online Testing at the TUW

Due to the current situation, examinations with presence are suspended at the TU Vienna at least until the beginning of June 2020. Due to these circumstances, teachers and students of the TUW are recommended to conduct both oral and written examinations as online examinations.

A guideline for conducting online examinations has been developed in recent weeks. You can find it at, opens an external URL in a new window.

In this guide, the requirements and recommendations as well as different formats of online testing are presented.  The Ministry's decree, which came into force on Wednesday, has already been taken into account.

It is urgently requested that examinations for which a number of participants of up to 20 persons is expected be held online, as we cannot guarantee the capacity to conduct these examinations as attendance examinations.

It is recommended to limit the number of candidates for oral online examinations to 5 persons and for written online examinations to 20 persons. For larger groups, it is recommended to organize simultaneous meetings, which are administered by additional employees, or sequential meetings.

Presence examinations at the TUW

We would also like to inform you about the current "timetable" for the gradual opening of the lecture halls for attendance examinations.

Should the government's guidelines remain unchanged, the following procedure is planned:

  1. Presence testing is to be made possible again as of June 2, 2020.
  2. In order to ensure the most efficient planning, the hourly schedule will be suspended for this period.
  3. In order to be able to plan the checks accordingly, taking into account the current security regulations, it is necessary to delete all currently entered check dates that are linked to a room in TISS. The deletion will take place on 04. May 2020.
  4. Between individual dates in a lecture hall, sufficient buffer times must be scheduled to ensure that safety and hygiene regulations are observed.
  5. A list of new lecture hall capacities, taking into account the necessary safety measures, will be drawn up by the central teaching and learning resource management and the department of occupational safety and implemented in TISS to enable planning at all.
  6. Similar to the regular course planning of the academic year, the schedule coordinators of the faculties determine the demand in their respective fields of study for examinations that are classified as critical and book them in. Special consideration will be given to STEOP courses in the planning.
  7. The supervisory capacity of the respective institute should also be taken into account.
  8. As soon as the timetable coordinators have completed their planning, all those responsible for courses that have not been classified as critical will be able to organise their examinations themselves in accordance with the security measures (deadline 21 May 2020). A separate mailing with all necessary information will be sent out for this purpose.

At this point we would like to draw your attention to the webinar on 29.04.2020 with the topic "Recommendations for (online) examinations at the TU Wien - webinar for lecturers":


  • 17:00 - 17:05 Welcome
  • 17:05 - 17:20 Legal guidelines for online exams | Dr. Jasmin Gründling-Riener
  • 17:20 - 17:35 Scenarios of online exams, guidelines for the lecture | Dr. Gottfried Csanyi
  • 17:35 - 17:45 Technical implementation possibilities of online exams | Dr. Gergely Rakoczi
  • 17:45 - 18:00 Question Time

We are constantly striving to further optimize our support services and would be pleased to receive your feedback regarding Distance Learning at the TUW at, opens an external URL in a new window

Thank you very much for your support in dealing with the situation!

Best wishes,
Kurt Matyas and the Distance Learning Team