All news at TU Wien

COVID-19 measures for November

The specifications of the Federal Government of 31.10.2020 on the 2nd lockdown in Austria require adjustments for the university operation at TU Wien. The TUW will not switch completely to distance operation but will maintain presence operation in all necessary areas.

[Translate to English:] Covid-19-Update, Hauptgebäude der TU Wien mit Warnhinweisen

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Based on the existing regulations, our plan of measures applies from 3 to 30 November 2020, but in the medium term we also have the Christmas holidays and the lecture-free period in February 2021 in mind. The TUW's contribution to reducing the number of infections throughout Austria and to the protection of all, especially vulnerable, groups of people looks like this:

Study and teaching
Lectures and courses that can switch to the distance mode will be switched back or continued online. Many of you have already prepared yourself very well for this and the experiences of the last months will certainly be useful here. For security reasons and also for organisational reasons, the on-site presence must be reduced as far as possible. Therefore, only courses that cannot be substituted by distance learning formats can continue to be held on site, in strict compliance with the applicable safety and security measures. Surveys conducted in the summer semester have shown that students are particularly interested in comprehensive communication - both with regard to the general situation and information provided by lecturers. Therefore, please inform your students as soon as possible about changes in your courses.

  • The changeover of lectures to distance mode is to be carried out from now until the Christmas holidays. If this is not possible, please contact the Distance Learning Team with a detailed description of the problem and a concept for implementation. There the concept will be coordinated and reviewed with the Deans of Studies and the Occupational Safety Department. From 4.11.20 onwards, a corresponding application form will be available online at
  • Until further notice, the laboratory practice/internship will continue to operate in accordance with the applicable safety regulations on site.
  • The holding of examinations shall remain flexible and, if possible, in attendance. Planned presence examinations are held in rooms (= examination arrangements "code blue" in the lecture hall as in summer) in accordance with the max. 25 % occupancy rate. Teachers are encouraged to offer more online practice and examination formats again. Associated information materials (e.g. guidelines for conducting online exams, tools, etc.) are currently being revised and are available asap at
  • Learning rooms (e.g. drawing rooms) with stored safety and usage concepts including reduced space usage, will remain open between 6 a.m. and 8 p.m., subject to compliance with safety and security measures. In order to be able to make this offer, the observance of the rules is checked by security staff. Under this condition, the open learning rooms are to be maintained.

Researchers who have to maintain and be present in the company (e.g. research projects, laboratories and workshops, bachelor's/master's theses, dissertations) can continue to do so with all necessary protective and safety measures (wearing masks, keeping distance, hygiene rules).

  • ·         Experimental research remains possible in the on-site laboratories. In order to ensure that laboratory operations can continue, the faculties have listed persons who have demonstrably worked in the laboratories on a faculty by faculty basis and must conscientiously carry out the obligatory QR Code registration when entering TU buildings: §
  • Research work that does not require compulsory attendance at the TUW should, if possible and sensible, be done in the home office.

General university operations
In general, currently applied safety concepts and regulations must continue to be implemented on site at the TUW. Please note the following for your daily work in the next 4 weeks:

  • Opening hours: TU Wien buildings are generally open from 3 November on Mon - Sat between 6 am and 8 pm (Sundays and public holidays are closed as usual).
  • QR Code Registration: The obligation to register the QR Code when entering TU buildings remains absolutely valid for all persons entering a TU building!
  • Contact person management: Employees who are listed by faculty or department have priority access to the TUW for the next 4 weeks.
    • In the event that unlisted employees need access to offices or laboratories, the employee must register the need for access with the head of the research/department. There the assessment will be made according to feasibility. The research/department management must obtain the approval of the dean or the responsible member of the rectorate with a justified application and inform the head of the institute/department.
    • Note: Whether or not this information is to be provided at short notice, there is an opportunity to come briefly to the TUW this week if necessary (e.g. picking up laptop, equipment, documents etc. from the TU workplace). Please coordinate this presence independently with your supervisor and colleagues and remember to register the QR Code when entering the building!
  • Home Office: The TUW ensures that employees can carry out their work in their home office and that the number of work contacts on site is reduced:
    • Employees who are not listed by faculty or department work in their home office. The existing home office agreements are suspended until 30.11. Home office agreements for the period from 03.11. to 30.11.2020 are not necessary! (Tried and tested systems for office organisation, e.g. cohort formation for necessary attendance at the TUW can be retained).
    • The report of suspected COVID-19 cases for employees (login) remains unaffected. In this regard, the procedure described in the Rectorate's mailing of 19.10.20 should be followed.
    • Other absences from work, such as holidays, special care time, quarantine or sick leave, are to be reported as usual (forms for human resources:
  • Events: No events will be held at TU Wien until the end of November. All events will be cancelled or if possible converted to digital formats. Exceptions are academic ceremonies, which can be held on the basis of existing security concepts (e.g. reduced number of participants in large auditoriums).

Please help to make our university operations as safe and manageable as possible in the coming weeks!

Thanks a lot for this and best regards,
The Rectorate and the Deans of TU Wien