All news at TU Wien

Coronavirus – Update: Company vaccination 2. round

TU Wien receives additional vaccination appointments for employees.

[Translate to English:] TUW Hauptgebäude mit Text: Covid19-Update.

Around 2,200 employees of TU Wien who were willing to be vaccinated, registered for the corporate Corona vaccination program by the end of May and have been provided with appointments from the Impfservice Wien for the first plus second vaccination. On each of the TU Wien vaccination days from June 13–20, 2021, several hundred colleagues each came to the Austria Center Wien and received the first vaccination. Thank you for joining!

Additional options in first half of July

Recently, we were able to reserve a small contingent of appointment pairs at the Impfservice Wien for an additional round of our company vaccination program: Appointments for the first vaccination in the first half of July corresponding with the second vaccination in the first half of August. New colleagues and employees, who have not yet been offered a corporate vaccination option and would like to take advantage of this can enter their data here by July 2, 2021 12:00 a.m. at the latest:, opens an external URL in a new window (TUW login required!). After that, the appointment pair will be quickly assigned on a first come, first served basis including the sending of the individual appointment confirmations!

Impfservice Wien: Focus on 18–30-year-olds

In addition to the corporate vaccinations, the City of Vienna is continuously expanding its vaccination services and has announced that it will be releasing vaccination appointments for young adults between the ages of 18 and 30 starting Wednesday, June 23. Details:, opens an external URL in a new window.