All news at TU Wien

Coronavirus – Update: uphold university operation during lockdown

The requirements of the nationwide lockdown from Monday 22 November 2021 were aligned with university operations at TU Wien.

COVID-19 Update

The exception to the all-day lockdown is routes for professional and educational purposes. This means the following changes in university operations at TU Wien for teaching, research and administration with the current TUW regulations in force, but also allows you to continue working at TU Wien:

  • Hybrid teaching until 17.12.21:
    • All courses in Bachelor's degree programmes (with the exception of practical courses and laboratory exercises) will be converted to online mode until the start of the Christmas holidays (applications for presence that have already been confirmed will be revoked until then).
    • For practical courses and laboratory exercises as well as courses and groups of up to 25 persons, the same regulations apply as before. These can continue to be held in attendance if an approved concept from the Service Unit of Safety and Occupational Health is received.
    • All Master's courses can be held in attendance according to previous practice (= every second place occupied + permanent wearing of an FFP2 mask).
    • In general, the agreed mode continues to apply for all examinations in Bachelor and Master studies.
  • FFP2 mask obligation: An FFP2 mask is obligatory in public areas at the TU Wien (corridors, courtyards, auditorium, elevator, waiting areas, communication zones, etc.) and must be used at all times during the course in the lecture hall/teaching room/lab (lecturers can remove the FFP2 mask when lecturing). FFP2 masks must also be worn at workplaces where there is more than one person in the room and there is close contact with colleagues or customers - with the exception of areas where adequate protective measures have already been installed.
  • TU Home Office Policy: The current Home Office Policy gives managers and employees sufficient room for manoeuvre. Please plan together, adapted to the requirements of the workplace and the COVID situation, in order to create a safe working situation.
  • 1st, 2nd, 3rd corona vaccination at the TU Vaccination Centre: The federal government has decided on a general vaccination obligation from 1 February 2022. The TUW can already boast a remarkable vaccination rate among students and staff.
    To all those who have so far only been partially vaccinated or not vaccinated at all: Take advantage of the "vaccination without an appointment" offer at the public TU vaccination centre at the Karlsplatz campus for partial or booster vaccinations. Your families and friends and acquaintances are welcome too! Vaccinations are explicitly exempt from the lockdown measures.
  • Internal events are cancelled up to and including 12 December. Cancellations are advised for planned events in the period from 13 to 17 December (e.g. Christmas parties).

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