All news at TU Wien

Corona–Update | TUW at EASTer time

TU Wien relates the information provided by the federal government and federal state governors (Vienna, Lower Austria, Burgenland) on the Easter Lockdown (Thursday 1 - Tuesday 6 April 2021) in Eastern Austria to its university operations.

[Translate to English:] Hauptgebäude TU Wien mit Corona-Hinweisschild

TUW continues to maintain its proven, currently applicable security concepts and regulations:

The following points must be observed:

  • Testing: Regular use of existing test offers (at least once a week, e.g. PCR test "Alles gurgelt" for students and staff).
  • QR code scan: Obligation to register for the QR code when entering TU buildings.
  • At least 2 metres safety distance.
  • FFP2 mask mandatory in all public areas at the TUW. In addition, it is recommended to wear an FFP2 mask in closed rooms as soon as more than one person is present and when people gather outside.
  • Regular hand and surface disinfection.
  • Mandatory reporting of suspected cases of COVID-19/illness among staff or students.

Home office, On Campus

The current situation requires a lot of strength from all those affected. The days around Easter should therefore also be used to recover. Good Friday, 2 April 2021 is a non-working day at the TUW according to the internal agreement.

  • In addition, employees can continue to work in their home office in agreement with their superiors in order to keep the number of on-site work contacts low.
  • If attendance on campus is required, the safety regulations described above apply.

Studies and Teaching

The Vice Rector for Academic Affairs keeps teachers and students informed about the measures and regulations planned for the end of April/beginning of May. A rectorate directive regulating the details for the summer semester 2021 is currently being developed. In addition, the document "Studies and Teaching in the Summer Semester 2021: Guidelines for Attendance at TU Wien" will be published.


Staff members who need to maintain research operations and be present (e.g. research projects, laboratories and workshops, bachelor's/master's theses, dissertations) can continue to do so while observing all necessary protection and security measures.

Many thanks to all those involved who are helping to keep university operations safe and viable in the coming weeks.