All news at TU Wien

Corona – Update | Teaching in summer semester 2021

Guidelines for Attendance at the TU Wien and information about the "roomTUlearn" project.

Photo of the main building on Karlsplatz with the heading "Covid-19 Info", the update time and the update link:

On Thursday, 15.4.2021, the Rectorate's Regulation on Measures for Attendance at Classes and Examinations in the Summer Semester 2021, opens an external URL in a new window was published in the University Gazette.


In addition to this, the guideline "Studies and Teaching: Guidelines for Attendance at the TU Wien" has been prepared , which contains the supplementary details for implementation:, opens an external URL in a new window


The most important key points are:

Access and stay in the building

  • A valid negative test result, recognized according to the regulations, for students taking attendance examinations or courses and for teachers involved in them
  • The correct wearing of an FFP2 mask
  • QR code scans at the entrance and in the teaching room
  • A distance of two meters must be maintained
  • Only the blue seats in teaching rooms may be occupied

On-site teaching

On-site appointments are complementary to the online offering. Examinations in particular must have an online offering and may hold on-site appointments as a supplement.

Courses are allowed up to a maximum of 15 people, exams up to a maximum of 300 people spread over four locations. Examinations for up to 70 people can be requested by the course instructors themselves, larger examinations can only be booked by timetable coordinators. The current occupancy of the teaching rooms ranges between 10 and 15 % of the original capacity. Details about the occupancy can be found in the room infospace in coLAB, opens an external URL in a new window.

An application for teaching in presence must still be submitted, opens an external URL in a new window and approved by the Vice Rectorate for Studies and Teaching. LUs and PRs with an appropriately confirmed security concept are exempt.

Courses are expected to be possible on-site from May 03, 2021 and examinations from May 18, 2021 in order to give students and lecturers sufficient time for a planned changeover.

This ordinance forms the legal basis for the creation of the possibility of conducting face-to-face courses and examinations. The determination that actual face-to-face courses and examinations will be held in the summer semester of 2021 requires a separate decision by the Rectorate based on the regular evaluation of the COVID situation and consideration of the requirements of the federal and state governments.

Guide for processing details:, opens an external URL in a new window


As already in a pilot test in January 2020, the project "roomTUlearn" of central teaching and learning room management will be able to start again. This means that the centrally managed teaching rooms will be available as learning rooms. The rooms can be used monday to friday between 8:00 and 19:00 according to availability. Details are available in a separate mailing and in the guide, or at, opens an external URL in a new window.
