All news at TU Wien

Corona – Update | Classroom teaching in the summer term 2021

From 12 May 2021 on-site teaching at TU Wien will be possible in a very limited form.

[Translate to English:] Text: 5.5.2021, Corona Update für Studierende. Im Hintergrund das TU Wien Hauptgebäude.

In the Rectorate meeting on May 4, 2021, it was decided, in accordance with theRectorate Regulation on Measures for Participation in Classroom Teaching and Examinations in the Summer Semester 2021, opens an external URL in a new window, that teaching at the TU Wien will once again be possible in a very limited form in classroom teaching.

On-site courses (up to a maximum of 15 people) will be possible from May 12, 2021, and exams from May 19, 2021, in order to give students and teachers enough time for a planned changeover. On-site appointments are complementary to the online offering. Exams, in particular, must have an online offering and may hold on-site appointments as a supplement. An application must still be submitted and approved by the Vice Rectorate for Studies and Teaching, opens an external URL in a new window to hold on-site examinations. Exceptions are LUs and PRs with a confirmed security concept.

Details on the procedure can be found in the guideline "Studium und Lehre: Leitfaden zur Anwesenheit an der TU Wien, opens an external URL in a new window".

The most important safety and hygiene measures

  • A valid negative test result, recognized according to the regulations, for students attending attendance examinations or courses, as well as for lecturers involved in them, is a prerequisite for attendance. This will be checked by the security service at all main locations when students enter the building from 12.05.2021 onwards.
  • The correct wearing of an FFP2 mask
  • QR code scans at the entrance and in the teaching room
  • A distance of two meters must be maintained
  • Only the blue seats in teaching rooms may be occupied

Due to complaints received, we would like to point out that grouping in the buildings and in the courtyards of the TU Wien properties should be avoided and we kindly ask you to observe the distance rules in the courtyards as well, so that no further measures, such as blocking off certain areas, have to be used.

For further questions you can contact

Thank you for your understanding and support!