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CORES - Project Closing Event

Invitation to the closing event of the CORES project "Integration of combined, renewable energy systems in industry"

From primary energy via CORES to process heat.


The event aims to provide new ideas for spreading the combined integration of renewable energy systems in industry. The focus is on waste heat, solar thermal, heat pump technologies - each including storage - PV and PVT.

For this purpose, a simulation model with different configurations of the technologies under consideration is presented using case studies and the results are presented. A potential tool enables the simple identification and evaluation of different configuration variants. The presentation of the research and development needs for the integration of combined, renewable energy systems and a concluding panel discussion round off the event.

The event will take place on November 17, 2022 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Hall 1 of the Austrian Economic Chamber, Wiedner Hauptstraße 63, 1045 Vienna.

Participation is free. We ask that you register by October 31st by email to (first and last name, company, address) (limited number of participants).

You can find more information about the event and updates on the exact agenda of the events on the event homepage, opens an external URL in a new window.