All news at TU Wien

Congratulations to this year’s Renewable Energy Graduates!

On May 13th, 2022 the students of the Master’s Programs MSc Renewable Energy Systems celebrated the successful completion of their studies together with friends and family.

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REN 2022

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REN 2022

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The ceremony in TU Wien’s “Kuppelsaal”, the impressive festive hall beneath the cupola of the historic main building, was opened and chaired by Prof. Bob Martens, Dean of Academic Affairs of Continuing Education of TU Wien. He warmly welcomed the audience and gave a brief overview of the historical development of the program and the important cooperation with Energiepark Bruck/Leitha. , opens an external URL in a new window

Herbert Stava, visionary, president and founder of the Energiepark Bruck/Leitha, congratulated the graduates in his festive speech and encouraged them to go out into the world and use their knowledge to tackle the future challenges in the global energy supply.

Guest speaker Dr. Bettina Bergauer (Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment and Energy) motivated the graduates to apply their gained knowledge in their companies, organisations and institutions and welcomes them to the community of energy system changers.

In the main part of the ceremony, the academic degrees and certificates of study completion were awarded for the respective postgraduate programs by the “mastermind” of the program, academic director Prof . Reinhard Haas. Before handing over the diplomas, he spoke to the former students and pointed out once more, how important it is to engage and jointly contribute to the future.

This years’ valedictorian was a joint speech by Hannes Loacker and Ramez Rahman. After a retrospective and after summing up their highlights of the course, they thanked the faculty and organization team of the Master’s program as well as their families and friends for their support throughout their academic journey.

The whole ceremony was nicely accompanied by classical music played by the TU orchestra, which gave the celebration a special festive touch.

The Academy for Continuing Education of the TU Wien & the Energiepark Bruck an der Leitha congratulate the alumni and wish them all the best for their future!

We proudly present the graduates of 2022 of the MSc Renewable Energy Systems:

  • Apostol-Siegl Simona
  • Awetisjan Vartan
  • Loacker Hannes
  • Medl Alexandra
  • Motsch Thomas
  • Rahman Shahid Ramez
  • Thurn-Valsassina Raphael
  • Vishnoi Jennifer
  • Vollersen Jan
  • Eiler Peter
  • Furusawa Tomoko
  • Senussi Arij