All news at TU Wien


The CompSysTech’11® will take place at the Vienna University of Technology between 16.6. and 17.6.



The International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies CompSysTech’11® is organized by the Bulgarian Academic Society of Computer Systems and Information Technologies and by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). Its objective is to intensify the information exchange of the results in theoretical research and practical developments in this field.

It covers the following topics:

  • Computer Systems (Hardware)
  • Computer Systems (Software)
  • Application Aspects of Computer Systems and Technologies
  • Educational Aspects of Computer Systems and Technologies
  • The Youth and the ICT
  • Mini-Symposium „Astroinformatics“
  • Workshop „Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing“

The opening of the conference will be held on June 16th  at 15h in Prechtlsaal.

For more information see <link http:>