All news at TU Wien

CO2Refinery Winter School

The group photo

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The door sign

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The presentation of Team 1

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The presentation of Florian Müller

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The presentation of Team 2

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Wildkräuterhotel Steinschalerhof

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In the train

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On the 13-15th of February, a high concentration of knowledge in CO2-related processes was observed in Rabenstein an der Pielach, Lower Austria. The members of CO2Refinery were gathered in the Wildkräuterhotel Steinschalerhof for CO2Refinery Winter School. The program was full of different topics starting from tips for research paper writing and ending with legal settings and directives related to carbon dioxide emissions worldwide and in the EU. Both PhD students and supervisors gave insightful presentations.

During three days, the students were engaged in different group work and presented the development of the process chains under the CO2Refinery concept as well as investigated different views of the society, the policymakers and the heavy industry sector on the topic of carbon dioxide utilization.

The Winter School helped to align the goals of the PhD projects and define a clearer direction for the doctoral college. All three days the meeting room was full of discussions that continued even during the warm get-together evenings. During the breaks, the participants could enjoy delicious meals and the beautiful nature of the region.

Special thanks are to the organizers of the event: Alexandra Bauer and Michael Harasek.