All news at TU Wien

CIRCOTRONIC partnermeeting in Ljubljana

At the end of May, the consortium of the Circotronic project met for the first joint partner meeting in the beautiful Slovenian capital Ljubljana.

Consortium in front of Ljubljana's castle

© Kasia Kupińska

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Circotronic projectconsortium

Visit of exhibition "Aparati na turneji"

© Kasia Kupińska

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Visit of exhibition "Aparati na turneji"

At the end of May, the consortium of the Circotronic project met for the first partner meeting in the beautiful Slovenian capital Ljubljana. The mutual acquaintance of the international project partners from different industries created a good basis to better understand the existing know-how and the project goals. In addition to exciting presentations, workshops and discussions, the program also included a visit to a creative exhibition by the company ZEOS entitled "Aparati na turneji, opens an external URL in a new window", which means "Devices on Tour". The exhibition is meant to be a traveling classroom that tries to create awareness about environmental problems of electronic products and the benefits through longer use and circular economy.