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Ceolin2024 Award

INFN Milla Baldo Ceolin Award to the best graduates in theoretical physics

Ceolin2024 Award

Ceolin2024 Award

The INFN Milla Baldo Ceolin Award aims to promote the presence of young female researchers in theoretical physics in Italy. The award is named after the first woman to hold a chair at the University of Padua: Milla Baldo Ceolin, a renowned particle physicist working at the accelerators at CERN, Berkeley, Argonne, the ITEP accelerator in Moscow and the ILL reactor in Grenoble. In its fourth edition, it was awarded to ten brilliant new graduates on October 8. 

Among the best master theses in theoretical physics in 2023 is the one by Miriam Patricolo, now a PhD student in Prof. Andergassen's group.

During her master at the University of Pisa she studied the characterization of quantum phase transitions in a spin model. After a research stay at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart, she started her PhD at the Technical University of Vienna. Her current research focuses on the study of strongly correlated electron systems via the functional renormalization group. At the same time, she is also interested in applying methods of statistical physics to improve the understanding of the working principles underlying machine learning approaches.

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