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CEC Update: LEGO Serious Play – Maximize the Potential of Teams

Get to know the impressive power of a creative and agile problem-solving method at the next CEC Update on April 24, 2020! LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® (LSP) allows teams playfully to think more creatively and communicate more effectively. Thus, they are able to achieve more innovative results that are better shared by everyone involved. Until February 28, 2020 an early bird fee is applicable.

[Translate to English:] LEGO Serious Play

© Eric Hofmann

What is LEGO Serious Play?

LSP is a moderated and scientifically based process for a more creative, communicative and conflict-free collaboration between groups and teams. You could also say: "Thinking with your hands". LSP was developed by the renowned Swiss IMD (International Institute for Management Development) based on the findings of learning and brain research, psychology and organizational development.

Proven applications include:
• Strategy development & Vision
• Change Management
• Making events more active
• Developing teams & culture
• Innovation & prototyping

What will you learn in this workshop?

In this interactive workshop, which is conducted in English, you can try out the method yourself. You will also learn for which areas of application LEGO Serious Play is suitable. At the end of the workshop, you will be able to solve simple tasks in groups yourself with this method. 

What do alumni say about this workshop?

The participants of the LEGO Serious Play Workshop in November 2019 were enthusiastic throughout. Here are two statements:

“The Lego Serious Play Workshop was the perfect opportunity for me to get to know the methodology and the underlying concepts. Conclusion: super suitable for many questions as a supplement or replacement of existing workshop methods. We had a mixture of "hands-on" workshop modules and reflection on the different modules and techniques. The "blueprint" was particularly important in order to conduct a short workshop. So Eric not only aroused our enthusiasm, he also helped us to continue on our own. Thank you very much and definitely highly recommended! ”

Gudula Feichtinger, MBA
Alumna Professional MBA Entrepreneurship & Innovation 

“Thanks again for organizing this exciting and entertaining workshop. My take-away is the playful and creative approach and the fact that LSP can be used for almost all challenges. I will put what I have learned into practice immediately, together with my team! ”

Dipl.-Ing.(FH) Harald Ginterstorfer, MBA
Alumnus General Management MBA

Your expert

Eric Hofmann has learned many different working cultures in several European countries from the inside in over 20 years: e.g. as start-up and agency founder, as group division manager or managing director of a group start-up. He is a certified LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Facilitator and has more than a decade of experience in moderation, team leadership, management and digitization. 


FRI April 24, 2020 from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.


Technische Universität Wien (TU Wien)
1040 Wien

Seminar Fee

The seminar fee is EUR 95.00 (free of VAT). This includes handouts, snacks and beverages as well as a certificate of participation. Costs for travel and accommodation are not included. 

An Early Bird Fee in the amount of EUR 80.00 (free of VAT) is applicable for registrations until February 28, 2020. 


Registration via our online form, opens an external URL in a new window is possible until March 31, 2020. Registrations will be processed in the order of their arrival. The maximum number of participants is 15.


For detailed information or questions, please do not hesitate to contact our Alumni Relations Manager MMag. Annemarie Brandstätter at or +43-1-58801-41770.