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CEC lecturer wins award

CEC lecturer wins award

On Thursday, June 13, 2019, the Best Teaching Awards 2019 were awarded and we are pleased that one of our long-standing lecturers was honored: Karin Hiltgartner was awarded the Best Teacher Award by the TU Wien. She also received the Best Lecture Award 2019 together with Astrid Krisch and Isabel Stumfol. We congratulate Mrs. Hiltgartner on her two awards!

The students of the Continuing Education Center were already able to recognize this outstanding achievement by Ms. Hiltgartner in 2014. As part of the 25th anniversary of our real estete programs, Ms. Hiltgartner received the Best Faculty Award. This award was based on the long-standing evaluations by students of real estate courses and acknowledged their extraordinary commitment to teaching.

Dr. Hiltgartner lectures on "National Property Law" and "Administrative Law and Administrative Procedure Law" in our real estate courses. Here, too, she proves her dedication by taking new paths in teaching with the CEC.

More details about the Best Teaching Awards can be found here.

More information about these programs:

MSc "Real Estate Management & Valuation":, opens an external URL in a new window 

"Real Estate Management & Real Estate Management":, opens an external URL in a new window