All news at TU Wien

Career Spotlight: Sarah Rehrl, MSc MRICS

Portrait Sarah Rehrl

Sarah Rehrl, MSc MRICS is not only a graduate of our University Course Real Estate Economics and Property Management but has also completed our Master Program Real Estate Investment & Valuation.


On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of real estate education at the TU Wien, she answered the questions of our interview team.

Sarah Rehrl, MSc MRICS

Degrees in
University Course Real Estate Economics and Property Management and
Master's Course in MSc Real Estate Management & Valuation

Year of graduation
2013 – University Course Real Estate Economics and
2015 – Master’s Program MSc Real Estate Management & Valuation

Current professional position
Senior Consultant - Property Valuation

EHL Immobilien Bewertung GmbH

What are the main reason for the success of the Real Estate programs at the Vienna University of Technology?
The practical lessons with lecturers from the Real Estate Business and the excellent support by the Team of the Continuing Education Center. Another advantage is the limited number of students within each course.

Why is a degree from the TU Wien considered valuable by employers in the real estate sector?
The opportunity to study part-time and the professional lecturers with practical relevance and a high level of expertise are a great advantage as is the networking through fellow students and lecturers. The RICS accreditation of the Master’s program is an additional benefit.

During your years at university, what were the most important learnings for your real estate career?
The double burden of studying and working requires a very good time-management. The practical tips and examples given by the lecturers were also very useful. Learning to work independently is advanced by project works and writing the master thesis.

How was or is the relationship to your fellow students?
As a result of my work on the ImmoABS Management Board, the relationship is still very good - even professionally, our paths cross again and again.

What memories come to your mind thinking back to your times at TU Wien?
It was an intense and challenging time with great group cohesion and exciting lectures.

Which word would describe your real estate studies at the Vienna University of Technology best?

The CEC-Team would like to thank Mrs. Rehrl for the interview and wishes her success on her career path!

Click here for our continuing education program with real estate focus:
ULG Immobilienwirtschaft & Liegenschaftsmanagement, opens an external URL in a new window
MSc Immobilienmanagement und Bewertung, opens an external URL in a new window
Professional MBA Facility Management, opens an external URL in a new window