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Book launch & panel discussion on 27 April

"The Topology of Planning Theories - A Systematisation of Planning Knowledge", Jun.-Prof. Dr. Meike Levin-Keitel & MSc Lukas Behrend

Poster mit schwarzem Hintergrund. Der Titel des Plakats lautet "Book launch - Panel discussion". Die Programmpunkte werden unterhalb angeführt.

Poster für die Buchpräsentation und Podiumsdiskussion am 27. April 2023

We at the Department of Urban and Regional Research would like to invite you to the Book Launch. Jun.-Prof. Dr. Meike Levin-Keitel and MSc Lukas Behrend will present their work titled "The Topology of Planning Theories - A Systematisation of Planning Knowledge".

Date: Thursday, 27.04.2023
Time: 16:00 until 19:00
Location: Karlsgasse 11, 1040 Vienna | Seminar room EBEG-2

The book presentation will be followed by a panel discussion with Assoc. Prof. Efrat Eizenberg (Israel Institute of Technology) and Prof. Dr. Raine Mantysalo (Aalto University), among others.

We look forward to your coming and an exciting discussion.