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Book chapter in new Edward Elgar publication on "Spatial Flood Risk Management"

Cover Spatial Flood Risk Management

As national representative and member of the core group of the COST Action Land4Flood, opens an external URL in a new window our research unit employee Dr. Arthur Schindelegger has contributed extensively to workshops, projects and publications coming out of this COST Action.

Recently another book chapter, written together with Andras Kis (REKK, Regional Centre for Enrgy Policy Research) and Vesna Zupanc (University of Ljubljana), focusing on “Financial compensation and legal restrictions for using land for flood retention“ was published in the final publication of the COST Action. The anthology was published under the title “Spatial Flood Risk Management - Implementing Catchment-based Retention and Resilience on Private Land, opens an external URL in a new window“ with Edward Elgar publishing company.