All news at TU Wien

Brand-new purchases

Metrohm IC mit Combustion Module

Metrohm IC mit Combustion Module

Improving our understanding of the sources, emissions and fate of PFAS in water systems has become a major focus of our research. Our efforts and developments in the field of modelling have been accompanied by major advances in our laboratory, thanks to the personal commitment of Dr. Ernis Saracevic and investment in new equipment. As a result, the list of compounds covered by target analysis continues to grow, but we recognise the scientific and regulatory importance of determining precursor and total organic fluorine content. Within the EU project PROMISCES, we have contributed to the testing and development of methods for TOP (Total Oxidisable Precursor) analysis.
Now we are glad to announce that, thanks to brand-new purchases, we are also able to perform AOF (adsorbable organofluorine) analysis to estimate the total amount of PFAS in environmental samples.