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Biodiversity Council and KIÖS call on the Federal Government to adopt the new Austrian Biodiversity Strategy in the Council of Ministers

Michael Getzner is a member of the Austrian Biodiversity Council, and fully supports the demands for the adoption of the Austrian Biodiversity Strategy.

[Translate to English:] Biodiversitätsrat

© Biodiversitätsrat

Preserving the basis of life
Biodiversity Council and KIÖS call on the Federal Government to adopt the new Austrian Biodiversity Strategy in the Council of Ministers

Vienna (28.11.2022) – On the occasion of the UN Biodiversity Conference taking place in Montreal at the beginning of December, experts of the Biodiversity Council and the Austrian Academy of Sciences call on the Austrian Federal Government in an open letter to fix the Biodiversity Strategy for Austria by a decision of the Council of Ministers.

To the press material:
Auf der website of the Biodiversity Network, opens an external URL in a new window

Sientific contact:

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christian STURMBAUER, Austrian Biodiversity Council and Deputy Chairman of the KIÖS at the ÖAW, 0676 325 5080



Mag.a (FH) Yvona ASBÄCK, MBA, oordination Office Biodiversity Network and Austrian Biodiversity Council, 02732 893-2327