All news at TU Wien

Bildungsraum Stadt 2018

The concept module receives the award "Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung - BEST OF AUSTRIA"!

[Translate to English:] Nordbahnhalle Innenansicht

© Ekaterina Winter

The concept module "Bildungsraum Stadt" is an interdisciplinary Master's course offered at the Faculty of Architecture and Planning at TU Wien. It analyzes socio-political and conceptual contexts of municipal educational landscapes and links these with approaches of transformative science and participatory research.

In recent years, there has been a trend in German-speaking countries towards the development of local educational landscapes for the networking of diverse learning locations and learning processes in urban districts. Educational offers and educational networks are thereby located as relevant local factors, and educational contents gain importance in the context of sustainable urban and regional development: they can support educational processes for a social change towards sustainable development and impart decisive competences for the joint, participatory design of sustainable action patterns in production and consumption. Education and competence development of all citizens can contribute to the dissemination of the ability to read, interpret and shape social change processes.

The teaching project focuses on current transformation potentials in the urban development area of the former Nordbahnhof in Vienna. The aim of the teaching project is to reflect theoretically on the potential diversity of educational settings in the district as impulses for sustainable development in the municipal educational landscape, using the Nordbahnviertel as a case study, to present it in a differentiated form and to develop it further conceptually along participatory transition paths. In this context, interfaces between the different educational opportunities will be located on a practical-concrete level and the associated potentials and qualities for future urban educational spaces will be explored and made visible.

Within the framework of the teaching module, short research reports as well as concepts for storybooks and picture books were created, each of which focuses on a spatially-thematically located educational setting and thus represents different chapters of the educational landscape Nordbahnviertel. The concept of the educational landscape offers here the possibility of a contextualization of local and sustainability-oriented practices.


A website provides an insight into selected project results: Bildungsraum Stadt, opens an external URL in a new window


The concept module receives the award "Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung - BEST OF AUSTRIA"!