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"Award of Excellence 2023" for Paul Worm

Paul Worm was honored with the "Award of Excellence 2023" for his outstanding dissertation on December 7, 2023.

Award of Excellence 2023 for Paul Worm


Award of Excellence 2023 for Paul Worm

Federal Minister Martin Pollaschek presents Paul Worm with the award.

The Award of Excellence (a state prize financed by student support fund) is given every academic year to the 40 best dissertations in Austria. The award was presented by Federal Minister Martin Polaschek in a festive setting in the Jesuit Hall of the Aula der Wissenschaften.

Paul Worm received this award for his dissertation on the " Numerical analysis of many-body effects in cuprate and nickelate superconductors". Superconductors lose all electrical resistance below a critical temperature. However, it is not yet fundamentally understood what causes this effect in these materials. Paul Worm has focused on the development and application of numerical tools to investigate the mechanism of superconductivity and to propose new potential superconducting materials.

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